dixie miller presents - workshops on professional development
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Home > Workshops >> Customer Satisfaction

Our workshops can be tailored to your specific needs and amount of time you can devote. You may choose from the following list of objectives based on your organizational needs and the amount of time:

To understand the difference between customer service and customer satisfaction. If you are not serving the customer directly, your job is to serve someone who does.

  • Identify the difference between Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction

  • Define the difference between the Platinum Rule and the Golden Rule

  • Identify the elements of IMAGE

  • Demonstrate the "Power of 12"

  • Discover the best customer you will ever sell

  • Learn to use the "SOFTEN" technique

  • Recognize the "Moments of Truth" using CARE

  • Learn to manage conflict using the recovery method

© Dixie Miller Presents, LLC - dixie@dixiemillerpresents.com